Christine's experience with the Titan Pyramid



They are alive, and the great ones are more imbued with this essence. You are building from reality. Humans can resonate much more powerfully and receive energy transmitted through the larger facets through more aspects of their bodies.

The first day I met the Titan Pyramid online, I wanted to see and know what it really is and what it has to offer humanity.

I see clairvoyantly and clairvoyantly how the energy channels of the small pyramid and the largest pyramid are slightly different. The larger one is more complex in terms of frequency and spread because its interface is much more robust. Aside from his energetic casts by comparison, the little one doesn’t have quite as much “punch”, the energy of transformation, as the big one. The medium size is slightly longer than the small one; The great is the “leader” in his potentially great influence. The large volume is useful in affecting the whole person, perhaps especially for the more prepared/perceived person who already has enough spiritual circuits to handle the much larger charge of the device circuit. Indeed, device is a bad word… They live and the greats are more imbued with this essence. You are building from reality. Humans may be able to resonate more powerfully and receive energy that travels through them through more aspects of their bodies, particularly the blood and lymph. Fits more light output.

I am now familiar with the pyramid shape myself and know that it can reactivate the memory of past teachings (both positive and non-affective) that have been stored in the body by the pituitary and pineal glands. Discord and hatred cannot exist here, under these constraints and harmonious teachings. Arcturans participate as well as other astral beings. They are here to create peace and understanding for us within ourselves, with others and with all life, to understand internally how worlds exist and depend on each other. This is the law of nature and cannot be changed. Any part of the universe exists as recorded by others in some way. If we had another concept or other embodiment of perfection,

My personal encounters and interactions with the titanium pyramid (translator’s note: 100 x 100 mm):

Titanium pyramid

I see that for most people it raises a lot in terms of our knowledge and age in cultures that built pyramids to create higher frequencies of consciousness, balance and connection with one another. This promotes harmony and stability. When this ancient knowledge and teachings emerge, we can remember and engage with the positive qualities of our time. It can also excite lower frequencies generated by our memory — which is also good because we need to hit and erase them. A higher awareness of the truth of this form can help us remember how they are used to cleanse and raise our frequencies and how they are a building block of the crystalline nature we are evolving into.

Titanium itself is an unusual metal. It does not interact with other materials because it works as a single unit! I only use titanium cookware, which has absolutely no adverse health effects. This is because the molecules are too close together to get into food (which is why they are used in medical implants in humans). He teaches us by example how to be solid, strong and our pure nature. It builds and supports our evolving human matrix.

The reaction of the pyramidal shape with titanium:

The beings participating in these titanium pyramids have a heightened consciousness and were created by humans with the highest intentions of love, purity, and wisdom. The Elohim (creation form builders) understand what they can be used for. Their energy can permeate and strengthen each person’s understanding and ability for further awakening and good health of all kinds because there is harmony. They can balance the yin and yang in a room and with living things around them… Humans, plants, pets, animals, birds as well as flora, high and low, are in harmony that sparkles with ecstasy in at least 14 dimensions.

People who already resonate with a certain level of higher frequencies of existence — Love, Compassion, Super-Dimensional Consciousness — can experience an increase in their general well-being through the use of these Titanium Pyramids as they can get rid of some of their “chaos” — Electro-Smog, Thought Patterns, etc. It can trigger perfect memories. I also see that they have the ability to get rid of feng shui disturbances such as loosening corpses (ghosts), other useless entities, environmental imbalances, purifying the water element, neighbor disputes, and old energies from traumas created on the ground or also when building houses or roads. When some extra energetic abilities are emphasized, they can also help to balance out oddly shaped spaces and improve unhealthy lighting. Just looking at the visual form itself can evoke purity, strength, kindness, peace, and sheer goodness.

When people are drawn to these pyramids, they can follow their lead, live closely with you, and feel what is drawn from them.

These pyramids have the ability to balance the metallic element and other elements in the human midbrain as concepts become reality in their lives. It fully establishes the principle of creation for each person and leads to concepts on how to make it applicable to everyday life.

It helps ground the body and mind and can bring out inner information and personal energy field ownership.

Within these pyramids there is a stream of thought that can be felt in various aspects of human nature. This can guide people through difficulties as they become their only true value and valued member of society. There are tangible streams of factors knit together in form, style and substance through the communication of high-tech consciousness. Their design was meticulously researched and implemented, and as a result they have output some of the highest frequencies we can currently access. Like a rose, it shows what can only be pure.

They are higher frequency downers and a symbol of those frequencies that want to help and honor the Earth and all of its life. It takes the form of strength, purpose, power and toughness. You are very grounded and at the same time you have a pioneer flow to heaven.

Each person’s focus can bring unity within themselves, in all of reality, and in the larger field of each person’s ability to raise total consciousness — not just of themselves, but of all the people of the time. They nurture, encourage, and help allow the frequencies of our pure selves to become more than our working minds.

They bring back memories of awakening. Many cultures around the world have constructed them so that together they can act as a transporting and stabilizing effect. This also applies to people. They remind us of our past connections with them and reinforce the source connections we have as a human race. It helps us remember our oneness with all life, serving that life and living awareness of the chemistry of spirit and matter through their spark points of connection.

They awaken ancient and future connections — knowledge of our origin, our future, and our ability to integrate into our present human lives and with all the realms of time and space. By paying attention through the Third Eye we can gain insight into the hierarchy of Becoming, Re-Becoming, and Opening and enable the enormous potential of the Immaculate Concept

~ I work later with the pyramid ~

Today I’m going to go over to get to know my titanium pyramid in person:

Day 1: She’s kind and wants to help strengthen my crown, my head, and my path in my life by bringing out more radiance, clarity, and overflow. She is happy to be with me. She wishes to do a good job of harmonizing and replacing some of the missing parts in the structure of people’s aura that arise due to humanity’s burden of wrongdoing. When people are drawn to these pyramids, they can follow their lead, live closely with one, and empathize with what comes out of them.

Day 2: My energy is starting to flow better through my spine and head, and my heart is revitalized. I’m in excruciating pain in my right knee (it’s been broken three times) as energy is flowing through it. I feel more and more grounded in my body and aware of my personal energy field. I feel like we are now cleaning the meridians and pathways through my body, especially the jaw, back of the head, and intestines. More energy flows through all the natural fields and I feel more focused. My core becomes clearer and more substantial. I put things off. Now my brush healed too.

Realize that these pyramids help instill confidence, empowerment, and a sense of personal self.

Day 3: I am still with Sekhmet since my previous meditation this morning. My crown is strong, as are my third eye, crown, jaw, and gut. Lots of yawning comes. I feel cleansed and aligned, like a cloud of subtle light around me, insulating. Some kundalini arise. Constant heat — very energizing. More current movement. Meridians flow, up and down from the body and head. Feel your right knee again. Nose and nasal drops. Waving from the pubic bone. A few small body twitches, and alterations. neck. (I feel relaxed and energized at the same time.)

Day 4: I begin by sitting in the teacher’s chair in my sacred space and it immediately sounds and unlocks all potential. Then I go into the dining room and the titanium pyramid is on my lap. Spinal energies are clarified and pathways are cleared for my more awakened consciousness. I feel the Vishnu knot at the base of my breastbone. We convey elevated and augmented geometries through bodily form structures in hierarchical shapes. I can hear voices coming through, through me. Longitudinal lines are high. I’m firmer with my tailbone, stronger with my cock, with my body moving. It calibrates organic well-being by aligning bodily vertebrae etc. I briefly feel my stomach and lower dentin. I feel dissected my greater energy”

The Titan pyramid continues to feed me with thoughts and tones of solidarity, of belonging to myself as a personal entity, sacred and self-reliant. I feel “stronger” and more physical, but also more energetic, mobile, and in return for nourishing energy. As if I was in the “right” place in myself and with the universe. Last night, I brought a Titan pyramid near my bed, and even though I woke up in the middle of the night, I fell right back to sleep (which is not usual).

The titanium pyramid in my lap still nourishes me with thoughts and sounds of solidarity, of belonging as a separate entity, untouchable and unique. I feel “stronger” and more physical, but also more energetic and moving and sharing nourishing energy. As if I was in the “right” place within me and with the universe.

Day 5: I experienced the Pyramid of Titan helping me land with a ray of dark awakened light and creative energy. I have found that it amplifies the other excellent empowering energies that were already present in my home and office. When I sit down, I feel drawn to holding it in both hands (which rest on my legs) with my fingers under two opposite sides and my thumb centered on those sides. I feel its radiant quality sending information into my arms and my body balancing the right and left sides and the ethereal template being enhanced. It awakens and strengthens the underlying structures within my subtle energy blocks. Help, to establish more solidity as a harmonious light being and human being, with no difference between them. Helps support a united, coordinated, awake and aware human being. I find it very grounding for my body and all of its energies as a unified whole. Because of this, it helps increase my strength in who I am. It has helped me be more focused without distractions and thought patterns. I can see my lighter body coming to the fore in my experience. I experienced my body and mind more unified and whole and without unnecessary “distractions” like negative or dissonant energies. It achieves an understanding of the structures of templates in my embodied form and increases their ability to

During my energetic field, I see the pyramidal shapes of the Sri Yantra — the sacred geometry of our subtle form.

I feel it as a living being of light, a “she”, a living intelligence — much more than a “tool or object” placed throughout this titanium pyramid structure to help us harness our resources to fully awaken in mystery and gather the greatness of our united selves, unite with life and harmonious universal connection with whatever it is. This is our true standing, and we are now empowered to truly manifest ourselves on this earthly level. Thank God! I feel more solidly “in”, centered and grounded, wholly and in touch with life and everything around me, with a wonderful knowledge of where I am. I am aware of the harmony of my entire energetic system, my “light body,” which includes my body and spirit as breath at all times and places. Realize that it can give a person a sense of belonging because it can bring great energy and focused awareness, a knowing oneness, and certainty in the cosmic order of all things. This comes to life as a character and as an entity who currently enjoys exploring the ground level. There is no longer any difference in my conceiving of myself as an awakened body, mind, or spirit — I know without a doubt that I am, the greater existence. He can bring certainty about himself in the cosmic order of all things. This comes to life as a character and as an entity who currently enjoys exploring the ground level. There is no longer any difference in my conceiving of myself as an awakened body, mind, or spirit — I know without a doubt that I am, the greater existence. He can bring certainty about himself in the cosmic order of all things. This comes to life as a character and as an entity who currently enjoys exploring the ground level. There is no longer any difference in my conceiving of myself as an awakened body, mind, or spirit — I know without a doubt that I am, the greater existence.

I feel it as a living being of light, a “she”, a living intelligence — much more than a mere “instrument or object” placed within this structure of Titan’s pyramid to help us fully gather our resources to awaken into the mystery and greatness of our united self, recognizing oneness with life and an integral, harmonious relationship with whatever it is. This is our real size. And we are empowered now to really appear on this earthly level. Thank God!

Day Six: I now always carry the Titan’s pyramid close to my lap or on my knees, with my fingers under two sides and my thumbs on those two sides. I meditated with him for 20 minutes today because it felt so good to feel solid and healthy. I immediately felt anchored, so strong that 16 feet below me were in the ground. My subtle meridian streams were amplified by my personal energy field. Today the energy looks dark in a good way. I felt a strong tingling in my hands and feet and I felt heavier and heavier and heavier and more solidified by the earth and the earth element in my body. This feeling spread to my tailbone and sacral regions and rested on them pretty much because my body dominance was so strong, I thought about my to-do list for the day. I have felt that it helps me stabilize and align my magnetic base for balance and peace so that my organs can function more efficiently. It also helps me restore my system of communication with other worlds.

General information about Pyramids:

Pyramids are associated with the Earth’s core and can bring great energy and focused awareness
Their form also evokes prior knowledge in the Earth’s webs and in the Akashic records where the pyramids were worshiped and the focus was on gaining spiritual wisdom and solidarity.
Our heritage of working with the pyramids can be remembered in past timelines as we understood how to coordinate and direct energies to stabilize and raise the awareness of all beings here. (Many of them are still active today and span across timelines.)
It alters and improves cognition and overall energy structures in the best way for each person.
Enhanced and can help create form templates that empower and evolve people and places.
As a companion, she can help people fully awaken their true selves.
He can see all aspects of being human as involving more than just perfection.
It enables clarity and a clear view of your true nature as a three-dimensional being living as a human being in this time and space with the Earth (which is life and you really are!).
Back to the reality of their existence and the whole nature of life.
It can bring great energy and focused awareness.
It takes the form of strength, purpose, power and toughness. Very grounded while pioneering the flow to the sky.
Concentrating each person on them can bring about unity in the room and in the larger area of each person. Capable of raising the general awareness of all people at this time.

Christine is from the San Francisco area of ​​California (USA).

She is a Master Sound Healer, Sacred Anatomy Architect, Medical Intuition Healer, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Initiator, Mentor.

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